We primarily use IE at our corporate office. There is a small group of users that will need to use Firefox because they have other software that only works on that web browser.
The problem I'm having is that the Lawson "status bar" that is normally at the bottom left side of the screen is not there. Things like "Inquiry Complete". "Job Added", etc., are not displayed at the bottom. Does anyone happen to have experience with Lawson on Firefox and if so, how do I get that status bar to appear? Thanks a lot!!
Thanks Sam. No, I realize that Firefox doesn't have to be the only browser. We primarily use IE so if there is a "default browser" here I guess it would be that. There are a few people even using Chrome.
This particular user has been using IE10 for some time. The problem is that when she uses the test system she has to switch over to compatibility view for some reason in order for things to work correctly. When in production she doesn't need compatibility view for portal to work. She's a VP and is very frustrated having to switch back and forth all the time enabling and disabling CV.
She also uses (and must use) Firefox for some other applications she uses a lot. She said that if I can get the portal to work in Firefox (with the status bar working), she'd just as soon as always use Firefox.
That's kind of a long answer to a short question but that's how it is. Thanks for your input!