Loading Portal Bookmark Security

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Roger French
Veteran Member
Posts: 545
Veteran Member
    Anyone know of a way to load portal bookmark security (via a program or anything else besides dumping/loading certain logan tables)? What I am getting at is, when setting up access in Bookmark Manager, I want a way to export the access settings for my groups and then reimport them into another environment, without having to manually set up the access again in the new environment's Bookmark Manager.


    John Henley
    Posts: 3353
      I certainly don't have the magic potion you're looking for, although one way I have done it is to use Excel Addins to query against SIRDIDGRP in the old environment and then upload to the new environment...which works OK as long as you haven't changed the ID (and underlying OBJ-IDs) between the environments.

      Certainly don't see any reason why you couldn't write script that uses rngdbdump and importdb to accomplish it, as well as doing any ID and OBJ-ID mapping that is required.
      Thanks for using the LawsonGuru.com forums!
      Roger French
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 545
      Veteran Member
        Thanks John... that's what I was looking for though a load program woulda been nice.
        Roger French
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 545
        Veteran Member
          actually... LOGRPBKMRK is also what I need.
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