I am wondering if there is a function in M3 V10.1 Smart Office that allows you to easily supersede one item into another.
So basically let's say we have Item A and it will be replaced by Item B. There is no set date for this to occur as it is dependent on stocks of Item A needing to be depleted first.
I really want to have Item B set up, allow stock to be ordered and receipted and then once Item A is sold out it changes to status 80 and the new Item B takes over.
Ideally it would be great if it could do this automatically once the stocks run out of Item A. There seems to be Related/ Replacement Item options in MMS020 where you can link Item B to A but I think this might only be related to notifying someone keying a custom order if A is no longer available. Maybe I'm wrong there?
I can see there is an MMS001 Item Status 15 which states - Replacement item. Status remains at 15 until the balance of the replaced item is zero. Then, status is automatically changed to 20.
Does that just mean we load Item B as per normal just with a status of 15.
Then in MMS020 add Item B as the replacement item for Item A, using a replacement type of 2?
If anyone can give their thoughts it would be much appreciated. Thanks.