Datepicker in Mashup

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i have struggel with a datepicker in a mashup.

I have two datepicker in the Mashup with the first one the user can select a start date and with the second select a end date. The selectes dates should be transfered to other datefields  in the Mashup. The transfer should start when a event is triggered. The goal is to set multible start and end dates in the mashup via the two datepickers to limit the results.

I managed to transfer the values via binding and date formatting to the target ListPanels but there nothing happens.

Here is a example without datepickers: https://smartofficeblog.c...-keys-in-m3-mashups/


Thanks for help


Patrick Dowd
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Hi Andi, I have worked with Date Picker controls in a Mashup and have successfully been able to grab the date values and send to another control with an event. While it does not match your exact scenario, I at least wanted to give you a snippit of how I was able to do this. Please note the date picker was embedded in a StackPanel control: atePicker Name="dpFromdatePicker" DateFormat="MM\/dd\/yyyy" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="24" Width="140" ToolTip="Please select a From Date" /> atePicker Name="dpTodatePicker" DateFormat="MM\/dd\/yyyy" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="24" Width="140" ToolTip="Please select a To Date" /> Here is where the dates selected are passed to another control with a button OnClick event: arameter TargetKey="Company" Value="{Binding ElementName=dsCompany, Path=Text}" /> arameter TargetKey="FromDate" Value="{Binding ElementName=dpFromdatePicker, Path=Text}" /> arameter TargetKey="ToDate" Value="{Binding ElementName=dpTodatePicker, Path=Text}" /> arameter TargetKey="UserID" Value="{Binding ElementName=tbUser, Path=Text}" /> If you feel that your binding is indeed correct, you may want to play with the Target Event selection in the Event itself. Normally I leave the "Target Event" default, but if I ever hit my head against the wall because my event isn't working, I try selecting a target event instead of leaving it to the default selection. That has fixed the problem many times. Please note I am an S3 Consultant so I am unfamiliar with how ListPanels in M3 function. Hope this helps. Pat
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You can either use TextBoxes to house the selected date then bind to the textboxes in your mashup event, or get the Selected Date directly from the DatePickers. My preference is the second option. [code] [/code] then the mashup event, in this case, on an MIListPanel. [code] [/code]