Forum: Lawson Add-Ins for Microsoft Office

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Started By  Deleted User
When attempting to load to the PR13.1 screen through Lawson add-ins, I am receiving the message 'Addtional pages exist - use page down'   Has anyone encountered and resolved this
2 7231 0
by sjacobs

Upload secondary position pay rates in PA52.5      

Started By  jeremy.zerr
Uploading to the PA52.5 has posed quite a few problems for me.  It took a lot of work just to get any upload to work, then it took 4 months of Lawson Support help to get the 'Warning pay rate out of range' error to go away. Here is how to upload pay rate changes to secondary positions using PA52.5 just as easily as we can do primary changes with PA52.1.  Pay rate is usually a great example because of the soft edits to override. Here is how I was able to upload to the form.  Initially, I couldn...
1 9427 0
by John Henley

ADDins-Microsoft 2007      

Started By  Deleted User
I need to add Upload Wizard to my Microsoft ADDInx for lawson.  I have access to Query Wizard , etc.. but I need this one. How do I do that..
2 6082 0
by John Henley

monitoring addins use      

Started By  Matt Sherwood
Does anyone know how to monitor addins use on 8.1 apps 9.0.4 environment  Trying to troubleshoot a problem and we think it may be caused by heavy addins use during month end close.  Right now the only thought we have is to use the webserver access logs.
4 8288 0
by itsjustme

HS03 Addin      

Started By  Jodi Kruesel
Has anyone been sucessful in creating an HS03 addin  So far, I have not been able to get in to work.  If you have, would you be willing to share a sample of your addin
1 6293 0
by Jodi Kruesel


Started By  Deleted User
We are experiencing a problem uploading data to the AP20.1 basic invoice form in that if the AP company is different than the Distribution company the upload won't recognize the Accounting Unit and Account combination.  We've created a work around to upload the basic header information out of balance with an add only upload and then add the distribution information with a change only upload but it seems like the functionality should exist to upload all at once.  Has anyone else experienced this ...
2 7073 0
by Deleted User

Uploading to PO20.1      

Started By  Roxianne
I am having an issue upload to po20.1.  I get my columns all mapped, but when I upload using Add then Change option it only does the header info and the first item line.  Can someone please!!!!  tell me how to fix this or what I am doing or not doing.  thanks
4 6863 0
by Roxianne

Max Records Loaded into HR55.2      

Started By  kadkins
What is the maximum number of records you can load into an Employee Group using Add-Ins  Just curious as I've heard conflicting answers from various sources.
7 6888 0
by John Henley


Started By  Deleted User
1 6621 0
by John Henley

Error to HR11 User Fields      

Started By  Deleted User
See attached date errors I receive with the UWF for HR11 user fields... I have tried several date formats (MMDDYY, YYYYMMDD, YYMMDD, etc) and still get this error. See attached...HELP!
7 7752 0
by John Henley

PO20 Add-In Help      

Started By  Ken Ptak
The manual action that is taken is enter the company and PO , and inquire. Then click 'Actions' from the menu bar and then select 'Cancel Remaining'. Then a pop-up window appears asking if it's OK to proceed. I click 'OK' and the bottom of the form shows 'Cancel Remaining Complete-Continue'. I have thousands of POs that I need to perform this on, which is why I'm trying to create an Add-In for the PO20 but am not having much luck. When I have an excel file with Company, PO, and SaveFC c...
2 7365 0
by Ken Ptak

pr11 add ins      

Started By  Deleted User
we are trying to add in GTL info and moving expenses for the w2's and cannot figure out the addins for pr11..we get an error 'cannot execute transaction'...I suspect that hidden fields could be the culprit or something else that is tricky. any suggestions would be appreciated.
1 11535 0
by Deleted User

Is Query wizard useful?      

Started By  Deleted User
Our GL group writes some queries with 'report writer' and states that it is complicated to some extent. They want to run the Addins for some things. I'm not an add-in fan (could not easily figure out how to join tables, etc). I write queries by the SQL language from scratch. Could the GL people utilize the query wizard for queries involving more than one table Is it reliable Is it best for simple queries or is it robust (I know that with the upload wizard, we had issues where it...
2 16558 0
by k-rock

Receipt Uploads      

Started By  Deleted User
Anyone got mapping for PO30/PO33 I know I need a hidden key to pull in the PO lines on PO30 and the receipt lines on PO33. I even figured out the CtrlShiftV -> Required to find the fields. What do you put in them
0 14023 0

PA16... Hidden Key      

Started By  Shane Jones
Help.... Lawson has an issue with the ADD button on PA16. I am sure that they will disagree but we had someone entering data and they entered a line of data and clicked ADD instead of CHANGE.... This duplicated property for the associate. Now I have associates with the same property listed as much as 10 times. I wanted to disable the ADD button for the user but they need it to enter the first record for an associate. Now I have over 75 pages of duplicate records and I ...
1 14659 0
by Joseph Van Denburg

PA31 Subform HR15.1 (User Fields)      

Started By  Rebecca Rivera
I'm in the process of writing an Add-In (Upload)that will write to PA31 but also write to the custom user fields stored in the associated HR15.1 form. Does anyone know the hidden key that will allow me to do this, or have any suggestions on how to accomplish this Thank you, Rebecca
3 15770 0
by John Henley

AP16 Change VEN-BANK-ENTITY      

Started By  Deleted User
I am making a AGS call through VB(should be roughly the same as the addins) to try to change bank information in AP16.1. I can change the account number and account type. However when I try to change the VEN-BANK-ENTITY I am getting a must inquire first. I however am doing the inquire first. The AP16.1 form itself says 'Must inquire first' even when I have already inquired but it still saves the data. The ags call, even when I do several inquirers first, does not want to save the data. What...
0 13583 0

IC12.2 Error 105      

Started By  itsjustme
Get the following when trying to use Addins to Query the IC12.2: Error 105 Item Location Does not exist Field _f0 There is no Field _f0 (unless it's hidden somewhere) I get no records returned. When I query using the database table-ITEMSRC it goes fine. Trying to get an upload set to make some mass changes and can't seem to get it to work using the Application Form method. Any help would be appreciated. Thx Dave
1 14845 0
by John Henley

Query Wizard      

Started By  Deleted User
Unable to extract the data using query wizard.Is this related to access rights or users/groups of the user in anyway Will upgrading LawMSAddins.exe will resolve this issue or is there any alternative for this. Please help me out in this.
1 18069 0
by Deleted User
5 22895 0
by Seth

Deleting records using upload wizard in FB module      

Started By  Deleted User
Can you use Lawson Upload Wizard to delete records in the FB budgeting module Thanks for any help you can offer.
1 14061 0
by John Henley

AddIns launch multiple times on Menu Excel03      

Started By  Deleted User
This is a good one for everyone... We've stumped GSC and they keep pointing to Microsoft but I know they are going to tell me the problem is with Lawson Add-Ins. The problem is after installing AddIns v205 or the v9 in Excel 2003 SP2 in our environment you cannot get the Lawson Query Wiz, Upload Wiz or Dril to display on the menu without a runtime error. If I comment out the line of code in VB that adds Lawson to the menu it produces it to the menu the next time you launch excel. However, ...
3 13815 0
by John Henley

Excel Query Wizard problem      

Started By  Deleted User
We are seeing every Lawson file listed under each system code when using the Query Wizard. When a file is selected then the wrong fields are displayed in the fields pick list. This is against a Windows Lawson 9.0 new installation. When we use the Query Wizard against the AS400 old installation, it works as it should. Any info is appreciated, Eric Davis
0 16320 0

Lawson Add-in upload/download errors      

Started By  Deleted User
We have a remote IOS set-up with apache 2.0/tomcat 4.1, HPUnix 11.11, lawson env 8.0.3 esp5, oracle 10G (installed at the same box where apache/tomcat reside). Our problem with add in when uploading or running queueries is we constantly received the error 'The server returned an invalid or unrecognized response' then after clicking ok to continue (on uploads) we eventually get the final message “Return “mesg” line was not found. The Server may not be responding”. Has anyone seen this pr...
3 18950 0
by John Henley
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