Forum: Lawson Add-Ins for Microsoft Office

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2 20032 0
by JDPowell

BR40.1 Upload Help      

Started By  andrusa
Hello everyone,    Hoping you can help me create a BR40.1 (and/or BR40.3) upload template (especially mapping the fields). Currently, I'm reclassifying expenses from one task to another via BR40.1 - marking for transfer, then clicking on 'Transfer,' which takes me to BR40.3. In BR 40.3 I specify the new activity, category, vendor, amount, etc. I do this for every expense line item - a very time consuming task. I'm trying to create an excel upload to speed up the process. I'm a little confused...
0 4002 0

PO21.3 Distributions      

Started By  JonA
I've got 132 distribution lines I want to upload to a PO line in PO21.3.  When I try it I get 'Purchase Order doesn't exist' These are the fields I'm using. (H),_f3,MMD-COMPANY (H),_f4,MMD-SYSTEM-CD (H),_f6,MMD-DOC-NUMBER _f9,MMD-LINE-NBR _f35:0,LINE-FC1 _f36:0,MMD-ACCT-UNIT1 _f37:0,MMD-ACCOUNT1 _f39:0,MMD-DIST-COMPANY1 _f42:0,MMD-DIST-QTY1
1 20163 0
by Diana

Office 2010 and Lawson      

Started By  Tim S
Our organization is using XexDesktop Windows 7 (32 bit) Office 2010 Plus (32bit) Lawson ver 10.0.1073 Office Add-in We need to get our teams to the Lawson Office Add-in. My question is, and my vm testing supports these results, that Lawson Office Add-in is NOT compatible with Office 2010.   Test Results: Windows 10 (64 bit) / Office 2016 (32bit) Lawson - OK Lawson - OK Lawson - OK Windows 7 (32 bit) / Office 201...
1 18753 0
by AlanK

PO25.6 Line cost changes with add-ins      

Started By  Dave Humphrey
We have an existing PO25 vendor agreement with many lines on it and we want to change the cost of certain lines/items.  We are trying to use add-ins, but I just can not figure out the correct steps/fields to use to change only certain lines.  Does anyone have instructions
6 20751 0
by JonA

How do we find field numbers in lawson for MS Addins?      

Started By  Nicholas Elliott
Any help would be great
2 19072 0
by jamesraceson
2 21570 0
by Carol S

upload reconciliation on CB80 error      

Started By  harold_c
The first line of the upload works but the rest has this error: This form action valid on open transactions only (_f51r0). Each transaction number is uniquely assigned.  I searched in Infor's KB but showed only 1 result; recommending to add a field 19 (Position to field).  However, I could not find that field in the currently available fields for upload (maybe it's renamed, possible fields: _f29,PT-CBT-TRANS-NBR; (H),_F0,TC; tried but to no avail) How do you upload your reconciliation into C...
1 18335 0
by Carol S

PO30 & PO35 Addins      

Started By  brupp
Hello - We need to do some mass receiving to clean up our INR report.  Would anyone be willing to share their addins for PO30 Add receiver & lines & the PO35 to release  I'd be most grateful.  Thanks in advance!!
2 19943 0
by brupp

RQ10 Upload Challenge      

Started By  Jeff
Hi all Upload wizards, We have been using the RQ10.1 Self-Contained Upload Worksheet from the site,, with a great deal of success this past week but today ran into a snag.  We have a 45 line Requisition that gets posted as 9 separate Requisitions with 5 lines each versus the desired one Requisitions with 45 lines. Here's the challenge, is it possible to create a 45 line Requisition via an Add-in or is there a limitation of just 5 lines due to the s...
19 27682 0
by Kat V

Addins Performance doubled with upgrade      

Started By  Greg Moeller
We've recently went live with Infor10.. and our Addins performance has doubled. Issue:  Upgrade from 9.0.1.x to Infor 10.0.8 and at the same time            Switched platforms from Unix to Windows (database and apps) Applied the newest version of MOA available per Infor support... and it is still taking twice as long to load a large payroll file. Any suggestions on where I should start troubleshooting this
11 20931 0
by drewlewis15

Add-Ins Peformance Issues      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Hi! We're upgrading to Infor10 and switching platforms from Unix to Windows. We're struggling because an Addins that should take no longer than 10 minutes tops has been running now for nearly 45 and isn't even half done. Any settings that I could look at TIA, -Greg
7 21585 0
by drewlewis15

deleting values on AC13 via add-ins      

Started By  bblair
trying to delete values for a specific attribute across all activities. i have used activityattribute (matrix cat)fc=d in change only mode. i have used activityattribute (matrix cat) current valuefc=d in change only mode. i have used activityattribute (matrix cat)fc=d in delete only mode. i have even tried to change the values to null using activityattribute (matrix cat) blank cell for valuefc=c in change only mode. also, i have tried using 'position to' for this change as well, with ...
0 4144 0

Help Needed: How to uninstall Spreadsheet Designer      

Started By  ddub
I'm experiencing an error when installing 'infor Spreadsheet Designer' that tells me a version already exists on my machine and I need to uninstall it using 'Add/Remove Programs'. The problem I'm having is that no such entry for 'infor Spreadsheet Designer' exists under 'Add/Remove Programs'.   Does anyone know how to correct this   Additional information that may be useful is that the initial install was performed using the installation files on a network drive (not local machine). We were...
0 5537 0

Fatal Error: File FILERELFLD is secured      

Started By  wvrcrowder
Fatal Error: Item_secured.  I've looked in the moa.log file but I'm not finding anything to help figure out the issue.  Any help would be appreciated.
1 21886 0
by JimY

PO25.8 Upload Error      

Started By  Wayne
Good morning all; I'm trying to do a mass upload to add future pricing to multiple VPA's (PO25) using add ins and I keep getting the error 'Window Changed - Update Form To Save.' Can someone tell me how to update the form using add-ins - I have tried everything and it's driving me insane. Thanks!
2 22176 0
by cmjs

Add-ins for Office 2013....      

Started By  Shane Jones
Hello all: I know that right now Add-ins is not compatible with Office 2013 but I have not heard or seen anything on plans to make it work with Office 2013.    Has anyone heard or seen anything about a possible release date
9 28292 0
by JimY

Addin Templates      

Started By  Kelly H
Are addin templates available on inforxtreme  If so, any hint on how to search for them or find them  Thanks!!
4 22806 0
by Tanya_D

IC99.2 addins required fields      

Started By  CherieO
IC99.2 addins--what are the required field for a change, for example to the average cost   For an existing location, with no SOH and no average cost (need this for our cost defaulting hierarchy for new inventory order batch job) I tried the following unsuccessfully   f5 ITL-ITEM f3 ITL-COMPANY f4 ITL-LOCATION f24 ITL-AVERAGE COST   Any help would be appreciated
2 20145 0
by CherieO

PO20 header comment      

Started By  NatalieD
Does anyone have an upload wizard to share for uploading comments to a PO20 header I am trying to upload a comment for 'Comments to Print to Headers on Internal Documents' as well as 'Comments to Print on Purchase Orders.'
4 20611 0
by JonA

Lawson Query Wizard - How to return max value only      

Started By  JohnHoward
I'm new to Lawson and the Query tool, which is all I have to work with.  I'm trying to query the HRHISTORY table and only return the max value of BEG_DATE for Field number 20 for each employee.  Is there a way to do this  I've used the subtotals but I don't want to return every row of data.
0 4285 0

PO13 Inactivate Add-In      

Started By  Me
Looking to see if anyone has an add-in for inactivations in PO13 they're willing to share.  We're on V10.
1 19177 0
by Kat V

Lawson 8 Copy Paste      

Started By  LeviSheriff
Just as the summary states: I have an Excel dump of components out of BOM screens in Lawson. I will then marry with a vlookup, prices, accounting codes, etc. Then each line in that excel spreadsheet gets into a clipboard, and then input into consecutive blanks per line in PO20.  In an automated script
0 4276 0

Lawson Add-Ins query for RW100 report      

Started By  srikanth
Hello all, I m new to Lawson Add-Ins.. Any body have an idea on Lawson Add-Ins query for RW100 report   I mean generating  the reports of RW100 using Add-Ins..   Thanks in Advance..   Srikanth
10 24817 0
by vinay

Calling Employee Business Class DME      

Started By  giesewendy
When I try to call the Employee Business Class in a DME, in ISD, it takes forever (beyond minutes).  It ignores filters when I set them: like on the relationship status.  What can help this situation  When I try use SQL via an ODBC connection, and apply a link to that business class, it tells me I need indexes.  HELP!  I just want to easily pull lists on the employee business class that include relationship status, work types, etc....   Thank you.
0 3808 0
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