Forum: Lawson Add-Ins for Microsoft Office

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Timeout in ADDINS    

Started By  Jim Howerton
The size of our tables seems to have reached a point where most queries run through ADDINS times out. Does anyone know of a setting that controls the amount of time a query may run before it fails with a timeout This also occurs using the OLEDB drivers and Crystal.
8 19068 1
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
5/20/2011 7:53 PM

MAI & PA52.1/PA56.1 comments    

Started By  kadkins
Is there a way, either using a Lawson Conversion Report or MAI's, to load comments tied to a personnel action at the time the action is updated Thanks in advance!
4 6020 1
by  Carl.SeayJump to last post
2/23/2011 6:48 PM

AR addins wont return all the rows    

Started By  Deleted User
Hello, I'm using the Excel Addins to query a form (AR90.1) and while I do receive data, I only return 11 rows.  I know the data query should return a few hundred rows.  I've set the number of rows limit to 9999 and still not difference.  Any ideas
2 4495 0
by  JonAJump to last post
2/2/2011 5:16 PM

List of Process Level in a Process Group    

Started By  upasana
Hi, Can anyone please confirm me how to get list of all the process level in a Process group. Currently I am working for a company with many clients having different process level. We have set up such clients with Process Group. Now I want to know all the existing Process Group with their respective Process Level. Please confirm. Thank you for the feedback.
7436 2
by  upasanaJump to last post
9/9/2010 5:15 AM

Lawson ADODB - Update a form field defined as VS Problem    

Started By  RayB
I am attempting to set the value of the AMD-ORIG-AMT defined as a VS (17 length, 2 decimals) field type on form AR21.3. What would the format string for updating this field I assumed '0.00;0.00-' but this failed! BTW I am attempting to upload data from an excel worksheet using vba/adodb. Thanks, Ray
1 4812 1
by  RayBJump to last post
8/27/2010 6:58 PM

Add Ins not showing in Excel    

Started By  mark.cook
Do you guys know why Excel, when opened by VB code or from email attachments doesn't include the Lawson macro button on the toolbar
0 5980 0
9/1/2010 5:45 PM

PO header comments    

Started By  Deleted User
Does anyone know if it is possible to upload information into the PO comments fields on PO20(the PO header comments)
1 6114 0
by  Ruma MalhotraJump to last post
9/2/2010 2:24 PM

Upload to BL34 Inquire then change    

Started By  TracyO
I am trying to create an upload wizard for BL34. When in Portal you must first inquire on this screen with the Company, Frequency, Cycle COde & AOC description, then you can enter the line-fc C and the amount.  I had read on an old post here that Add-Ins automataically does an inquire before it trys to do the change function that I am uploading.  When I try to procees my upload I get the error message:  Customer recurring invoice does not exist.  I also tried toinclud a line for TC of I and I ge...
3 4896 1
by  Karen PloofJump to last post
11/10/2010 5:31 PM

Help Uploading to HR54    

Started By  hussey1213
The problem I'm having is identifying the record that needs to be updated. The upload is assuming that the first record is the record being updated but that's not the case. Is there a way around this
3 4723 1
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
11/24/2010 8:03 PM

Change Issue Method on PO20.2    

Started By  LouP
We are trying to change the issue method on PO 20.2. I created a uwf file sometime earlier this year which worked fine. Now I cannot find the file and do not remember the format...Help!!
1 8289 0
by  Vijay SJump to last post
12/29/2010 5:08 AM

Optional processing of blank field!    

Started By  Vijay S
I have a requirement In MS ADDINS. It says that If Cell is kept blank on the Excel template for that column it should not change that corresponding field value in the Lawson form (such as AP30.1) but if some value is entered in that cell the corresponding field value in Lawson form should be changed. Is it possible via Lawson MS Addins
1 3903 0
by  JonAJump to last post
12/27/2010 12:23 PM

Connect Lawson 8 Environment    

Started By  Rajantonyv
When trying to connect using MS Add in to a Lawson 8 (Office 2007/Office 2010), what are the steps  Does the user need to be given appropriate permission  Does anyone have any docs that can be applicable to Lawson 8 please
3 4590 0
by  mark.cookJump to last post
12/30/2010 12:36 PM

Query wizard    

Started By  prav
Hi all, I am trying to write a query to get a list of all the vendors and their addresses that had payments in 2010 with the total payment above $600. My idea is to use APPAYMENT as the main file and then use the relation to APVENMAST to get the vendor related info. Now when I am entering selection criteria, how can I enter something like sum(TRN-CHK-AMT) > 600 Does the query wizard allow to use column functions Greatly appreciate your help in this.
3 12255 3
by  JonAJump to last post
2/2/2011 4:38 PM

PO 25 Upload    

Started By  Boyd
Does anyone have any templates, that they are willing to share, that would assist in uploading standing orders to PO 25
3 5519 0
by  Dave MitchellJump to last post
2/10/2011 1:53 PM

GL20 Query with LSF Security    

Started By  Wade-T
Hello, We currently have a program that performs manual tasks for us that is currently logging on as a termed user that has LID security.  I am working on getting these tasks moved over to a non-employee account and set up LSF security locked down to only the data the program needs to complete the task. The first one being GL20.1 inqueries. I have given access to the 7 fields that need to be pulled, as well as the program, token, files, data source, and some elements with Unconditional Acc...
0 4579 0
3/31/2011 1:11 PM

Anyone using Add-ins with Windows 7?    

Started By  CindyW
We are having a problem with users that have just upgraded to Windows 7 and can no longer log in to the Lawson Add-ins.  They are using the same version of Office/Excel as before (2007).  I opened a case with Lawson and they state that Add-ins is 'not certified to run with Windows 7 or VISTA.  Well I have VISTA (and Office 2007), and I can user the add-ins fine.  So I'm curious if there are any other folks out there have been successful in running the add-ins on a Windows 7 pc.   FWIW, the e...
7 11477 2
by  CindyWJump to last post
4/29/2011 8:02 PM

Add Stop Date in PR12 via AddIns    

Started By  upasana
Hi, Can anyone please confirm how to use Upload Wizard (via AddIns)for adding stop Direct Deposit date for all the employees terminated through Mass Uploadation. In our company we are having a big client where 'n' number of employees were terminated by using AddIns, but we find that Direct Deposit is still Active in PR12 screen. A Stop Date needs to be entered for all those employees in PR12, Is there a query that can be uploaded to add end date in PR12 Screen. Thanks in advance. Upasana M...
1 5024 1
by  upasanaJump to last post
4/26/2011 9:25 AM

Lawson Webinar today at 10: am CST on how to Constructing Efficient Data Queries Using Lawson Add-Ins    

Started By  Ruma Malhotra
Topic: Constructing Efficient Data Queries Using Lawson Add-Ins for Microsoft Office Host: Lawson Webinars Date and Time: Thursday, April 28, 2011 10:00 am, Central Daylight Time (Chicago, GMT-05:00) Event Number: 665 619 705 Event Password: This event does not require a password Registration ID: This event does not require an enrollment ID
3 5339 2
by  Ruma MalhotraJump to last post
4/28/2011 3:09 PM

Query and upload to Comments fields    

Started By  Sherry Shimek
Hello.  We are are making multiple distribution adjustments to change the accounting unit and activity/account category for a major project.  To provide a cleaner audit trail, we would like to add a standard comment indicating the change was made for this project and a reference for further documentation. Is it possible to upload to the AP Distribution or Invoice Comments fields  And is it possible to query them Thank you, Sherry Shimek
0 4541 0
4/29/2011 2:26 PM

Addins Query no pulling all data    

Started By  JonA
Trying to query POVAGRMTLN and I'm not getting all the lines for a particular agreement. Even when I specify the VEN-AGRMT-REF in the index the query gives me only 227 lines when I can see 371 in PO25.6.  Any ideas why this is happening
3 4985 1
by  JonAJump to last post
5/5/2011 11:17 AM

Add-Ins Upload 903    

Started By  This_Guy
So I have a spreadsheet ready to upload to a form, however there are no PDLs / Forms to select from when I try to Map the columns We are LSF9017 / Apps 901 MSP5, SQL2008, Windows 2003 Any ideas Is it something is LS
2 4335 0
by  JonAJump to last post
6/30/2011 4:49 PM

Upload Wizard does not launch -    

Started By  David
Hi all, hoping someone can help me! We have the Lawson add-ins, (latest patch) installed on Excel 2003, XP SP3 and we are experiencing an issue with the Lawson Upload Wizard.  When a user tries to log on, they are met the with logon dialog box displaying the server, username and password fields as expected.  When they click ok, the logon screen disappears and then nothing happens.  The Upload Wizard does not display and no error is produced.  The Query Wizard works without any pr...
3 8926 0
by  DavidJump to last post
7/20/2011 1:52 PM

Addin for LP80    

Started By  Paul Berkowitz
Is there a why to use LP80 to perform a mass transfer to manual PTO plans. LP80 requires Transfer Actions, the Transfer 'T' is is assigned to F1 however the LP80 addins does no thave F1 as an options. Is there another way Thank you Paul
0 4225 0
7/5/2011 6:58 PM

Upload Error - new value must be spaces    

Started By  Amy Sweek
Trying to change salary class (H instead of S) for employees.  My upload is returning an error message stating 'new value must be spaces because line has no item'.  Been doing uploads for a few years and haven't seen this message before.  Anyone have guideance on how to proceed
3 8585 0
by  AngiePJump to last post
7/12/2011 2:39 PM

Data extract field    

Started By  Jeff in PA
I'm currently trying to use MS Add-In to extract data from the Payroll system.  Specifically I am looking to get employee information including those employees whose bi-weekly hours are set to a fixed distribution.  I've looked high & low and cant seem to find a field.    HM-ACCT-UNIT is no problem, I get their home department but I cant find the other field I've mentioned.  Does such a field exist & if so where  Thanks Jeff
5 6134 0
by  Jeff in PAJump to last post
7/18/2011 5:01 PM
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