AC22.1 - Change Order Approval
Use this form to approve and release change orders. Change orders do not
change budgets until the change orders are released.
In the Change Order ID field, you can select Attachments and define URL links
or comments.
Updated Files
ACACTGRP - Updates the change order release flag on this file for
activity group budget change orders. Updates the total budget
for activity budget change orders.
ACBUDDTL - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
ACBUDDTLX - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
ACBUDHDR - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
ACCHGORDER - Updates the change order release flag on this file on a
Release action. Updates the change order approval flag on this
file on a Change action.
ACCHGORDX - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
ACCONSOL - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
Maintains activity budget consolidation records for summary
activities above the posting-level activity in the variable
level structure.
ACCONSOLX - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
Maintains activity budget consolidation records for summary
activities above the posting-level activity in the variable
level structure.
ACCUAMT - Maintains the year-to-date budget amounts and life-to-date
budget amounts for posting-level activities in activity
(non-base) currency.
ACCUAMTX - Maintains period-to-date budget amounts for posting-level
activities in activity (non-base) currency.
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
Referenced Files
ACACTIVITY - Updates the change order release flag on this file for
activity change orders.
ACLEVEL - References this file to validate if the activity is posting or
ACMASTERX - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
ACSPREADX - References this file to validate spread code detail on
INVOKED Programs