AC65.1 - Activity Percentage of Completion
Updated Files
ACPERCCMPL - This is the primary file maintained by this program. Maintains
activity percent complete records.
Referenced Files
ACACCTCAT - References this file to validate the account category.
ACACCTCATX - References this file to validate that the account category is
assigned to the activity group or activity.
ACACTGRP - References this file to validate the activity group.
ACACTIVITY - References this file to validate the activity.
ACBUDDTL - References this file to determine the life-to-date budget
amount for the activity.
ACBUDHDR - References this file to determine the life-to-date budget
amount for the activity.
ACCONSOL - References this file to retrieve cost and budget amounts for
summary-level activities.
ACCONSOLX - References this file to the retrieve period-to-date budget and
actual amounts for summary-level activities in activity group
ACLEVEL - References this file to determine if the activity is summary
level or posting.
ACMASTER - References this file to retrieve cost-to-date amounts for
posting-level activities.
ACMASTERX - References this file to retrieve cost-to-date amounts for
posting-level activities.
ACSTATUS - References this file to validate the activity status code.
AC65.2 - Percent Complete by Acct Category
Use AC165 (Percent Complete Calculation) to measure activity progress by
calculating the percentage of budget completed to date by account category.
Using this form, AC65.2 (Account Category Percentage of Completion), you can
store the percentage of completion and revise it when actual conditions
deviate from the plan. Revising the percentage of completion also revises the
completion amount, or cost to complete.
Revisions in the percentage of completion may indicate changes to the budget
are required.
Information entered in this form is not used by AC170 (Revenue Calculation).
Percent complete by account category is a measurement tool to help project
managers make budget changes.
Updated Files
ACPERCCMPL - This is the primary file maintained by this program. Maintains
activity percent complete records.
ACPERCMPLX - This is the primary file maintained by this program. Maintains
activity account category percent complete detail records.
Referenced Files
ACACCTCAT - References this file to validate the account category.
ACACCTCATX - References this file to validate that the account category is
assigned to the activity group or activity.
ACACTGRP - References this file to validate the activity group.
ACACTIVITY - References this file to validate the activity.
ACBUDDTL - References this file to determine the life-to-date budget
amount for the account category.
ACBUDHDR - References this file to determine the life-to-date budget
amount for the account category.
ACCONSOL - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
ACCONSOLX - References this file to retrieve the period-to-date budget and
actual amounts for summary-level activities in activity group
ACLEVEL - References this file to determine if the activity is summary
level or posting.
ACMASTER - References this file to retrieve cost-to-date amounts for
account categories.
ACMASTERX - References this file to retrieve cost-to-date amounts for
account categories.
ACSTATUS - References this file to validate the activity status code.
INVOKED Programs