AR274 - Dunning History Report
Use AR274 to print a report of historical dunning transactions. The report
sorts the data by company, customer, customer transaction, and dunning levels
used for each transaction. You can limit the data to a company, a customer, a
transaction type, a transaction, transactions contained within a range of
dunning letter print dates, or transactions for which a certain dunning level
was used.
The report contains the following information for each transaction: the date
of the transaction, the due date, the base amount, the open amount, a record
of payments made, and the detail of dunning actions taken by dunning level.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ARAPPLIED - Maintains records of cash applications.
ARCOMP - Validates the company ID.
ARCUSTOMER - Validates the customer ID.
ARDUNHIST - The main file referenced by this program; contains historical
dunning transactions.
AROIHDR - Maintains transaction header records.
AROITEMS - Maintains open item records.
CRANALYST - Validates the credit analyst.
CUSTDESC - Maintain address and contact information for the customer.