Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


BL07.1 - Reason Codes

Use this form to enter reason codes for canceling orders or entering credit
memos. You can print a report listing all canceled orders by reason code. When
creating reason codes, you can specify whether or not order amounts are
subtracted from bookings at cancellation time.

When adding a company, you must specify a default reason code. Once the
default reason code is assigned to a company, it can be changed but not
removed; the system uses the reason code when an order is canceled or deleted
during processing.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Not used.

    OEREASON   - Primary file maintained by this program.  It contains all
                 valid reason codes.

Referenced Files

    OECOMPANY  - Used to validate the Billing company.