BL10.1 - Item Add Ons
Use this form to attach add-on charges to items. When add-on charges are
assigned to items, the system automatically applies the add-on charge each
time you order the item.
You can identify a state for which the add-on charges are valid. In this
case, when the item is ordered and the customer's ship-to or bill-to address
(whichever address is used on the order) is in the state identified for an
add-on charge, the charge is assessed automatically. To access the add-on
charge each time the item is ordered, leave the state field blank, regardless
of what state the customer resides in. These same rules apply when entering a
credit or debit memo.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Not used.
ITEMADDON - This is the primary file maintained by this program. It
contains item add-on charge codes.
Referenced Files
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate the Inventory Control company.
ITEMMAST - Used to validate Inventory Control item numbers.
OECOMPANY - Used to validate the Billing company.
OEMISC - Used to validate the Billing add-on charge code.