BN134 - Current Flex Time Record Delete
Run BN134 (Current Flex Time Record Delete) to delete flex time records for
employees who have no other time records for a pay cycle. A flex time record
is a time record that was created based on flex standard time records from
PR30.1 (Standard Time Record). This prevents an employee from receiving a
check that only includes flex credits.
Run BN134 after running PR134 (Automatic Time Records) to create flex time
records. BN134 deletes time records with a current status.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - The Check Point file is used to allow recovery.
TIMERECORD - Records in the Time Record file are deleted status is changed
and if there is a flex overtime record.
Referenced Files
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is accessed to retrieve the employee's name.
PRPAYCODE - The Pay Code file is accessed to retrieve the pay code for the
report if the status is changed and there are flex overtime
PRPROCGRP - The Process Group file is accessed to validate the process
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is accessed to verify
the company and process level.
INVOKED Programs