BN480 - Invoice,Payment Purge
Run BN480 (Invoice,Payment Purge Program) to purge invoice and payment
records for COBRA participants and retirees.
Before you can purge invoices, they must have been printed and updated to the
general ledger. Before you can purge payments, they must have been applied and
Lawson recommends that you review the information you want purged by
selecting Report Only in the Update field. After you select Update and purge
information, you can no longer access that information. Lawson strongly
recommends that you create a backup of the information that you will purge by
following your MIS procedures.
Updated Files
BNINVDETL - The Benefit Investment Detail file is used to purge invoice
detail records.
BNPAYDETL - The Benefit Payment Detail file is used to purge payment
detail records.
BNPAYMENT - The Benefit Payment file is used to purge payment header
CKPOINT - The Check Point file allows for recovery.
Referenced Files
BNCOMPANY - The Benefit Company Parameters file is used to verify company
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is used to access employee files.
PARTICIPNT - The COBRA Participant file is used to access COBRA participant
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify
company information.
INVOKED Programs