Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


CA210 - Allocation Edit Listing

**Form purpose
Run CA210 (Allocation Edit Listing) to list allocations defined in CA10.1
(Allocation) or CA10.8 (Allocation Detail).

**Required fields
You must specify either a company or a company group.  All other fields are

If you do not specify any allocation, the report covers all allocations
associated with the company or company group.

If you select a company group, rather than a company, each allocation that you
enter must exist for each of the companies in the company group.  If one
allocation does not exist in one company, no report will be generated for any
allocation for that company. In addition, the error report will indicate which
allocations do not exist, but it will not show which allocations do exist.

Updated Files

    CADETAIL   - Used to access allocation detail. Optionally, the resequenced
                 line number.

    CAHEADER   - Used to access allocation information.  Updated with the
                 resequenced last allocation detail line.

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart capability.

Referenced Files

    CATRANS    - Used to validate the existence of allocation transactions.

    GLADDRESS  - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
                 program.  This file is not used by this program.

    GLCGCPY    -

    GLCHART    - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
                 program.  This file is not used by this program.

    GLCHARTSUM - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
                 program.  This file is not used by this program.

    GLCPYGRP   -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to access company information.

    MXVALIDATE - Used to access attribute validity information.

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
