CB190 - Bank Period Close
Run CB190 (Bank Period Close) to update all reconciliations that have
occurred in a bank period; calculate new beginning, transaction, and ending
balances for the period; and close the bank period. Period balances are stored
for future reference.
You cannot reopen transactions that have been updated by this program.
Updated Files
CBBALANCE - Creates ending balance record for the closed bank period.
CBBANKENT - Used to validate bank.
CBBANKINST - Used to validate bank transaction code. Bank transaction sign
is used to calculate balance.
CBCASHCODE - Used to validate cash code.
CBCPYCASH - Used to validate company-cash code relationship.
CBDISTRIB - Referenced by bank transaction common routine.
CBTRANS - Updates period date field for processed bank transactions.
CKPOINT - Used to store restart information.
Referenced Files
CBADJUST - Referenced by bank transaction common routine.
CBUSER - Validates user can access cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.
GLADDRESS - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
GLCODES - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
GLSYSTEM - Referenced by general ledger common routines.
INVOKED Programs