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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


CU160 - Currency Rate Interface

**Form purpose
Use Currency Rate Interface (CU160) to interface exchange rates from a
non-Lawson currency table.

Before you interface exchange rate data, you must define a currency table
using Currency Table (CU00.1) and relationships between each currency code,
using  Currency Relationships (CU02.1).

**Process at a glance
1.  Convert your non-Lawson file to a comma-value-separated (CSV).  The fields
in your CSV file must match the position, size and type of the fields in the
CUCONVREL Lawson interface file.

2.  Use a transfer utility program (such as the winptxfr or ftp command) to
transfer your non-Lawson file to your Lawson environment.  You may need to
rename your PC file to match the naming conventions of your Lawson
environment.  For example, to transfer file currency rate.csv in your PC Data
directory to your UNIX machine, use this command:

    winptxfr -u curr-rate c:\\Data\\Currency rate.csv
    where curr-rate is the name you give the file on your Lawson machine.

3.  Import the file you just transferred into the Lawson Currency Rate
Interface file (CUCONVREL), by using an Import command, such as:

    importdb  productline CUCONVREL curr-rate
    where productline id the Lawson product line where you want to load the

4.  View and maintain the information in the CUCONVREL file, using Currency
Rate Interface Maintenance (CU60.1).

5.  (Optional) Run Currency Rate Interface Listing (CU260) to list currency

6.  Run Currency Rate Interface (CU160) to load the currency information into
the Currency application.

7.  Correct any records that did not interface using CU60.1, and run CU160
again.  Repeat these steps until all records are interfaced.

If you select Yes in the Replace Rate field, data in the non-Lawson table will
replace rates that exist for matching effective rates in the Lawson currency
table.  If you select No, only currency rates for new effective dates will be

Run this report with the Update field set to N (Report Only) to see a report
of the changes generated by CU160 without actually changing the database.
Select the A (All) option to update the records only if all the records are
correct.  Select the P (Partial) option to interface correct records and
generate a report of incorrect records that did not interface.

**More help
Once records are interfaced successfully using CU160, they are deleted from
the CUCONVREL file an can no longer be viewed on CU60.1.  They have become
regular Currency records and you can view and maintain them on Exchange Rates

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart capability.

    CUCONV     - Used to store currency exchange information for a currency

    CUCONVREL  - Used to store currency exchange information you are converting
                 from a non-Lawson system.

Referenced Files

    CUCODES    - Used to validate base currency code information.

    CURELAT    - Used to validate the existence of currency exchange and/or

    CUTABLE    - Used to validate the existence of a currency table.

    WFSETUP    -