Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


CX04.1 - Practitioner

Use this form to define and inquire on practitioner information in the Case
Carts system. The practitioner ID must be unique for each practitioner. You
must define a specific practitioner in this form before you can assign that
practitioner to templates and cases.

Before you can add practitioners, you must define the applicable Case Carts
company using CX01.1 (Healthcare Company). If you plan to have procedure
validation for a practitioner, before you define practitioners and assistants,
you also must define applicable procedures using CX02.1 (Procedures).
(Procedure validation lets you indicate which procedures can be assigned to a
practitioner on a template or case. You select procedure validation in the
Validate Procedures field in CX04.1.)

You define practitioners by assigning a specific practitioner group,
practitioner, procedures, and assistants to a practitioner ID. As an option,
the procedures defined for practitioners can be used to validate procedure
codes during data entry on preference templates and on cases. The practitioner
is not tied to a specific company and so is allowed to practice at any

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Not used by this program.

    CXPRACASST - Primary file maintained by program.

    CXPRACPROC - Maintains procedure validation data for practitioners.

    CXPRACTNR  - Primary file maintained by program.

Referenced Files

    CXCOMPANY  - Used to validate that the company is a valid Healthcare

    CXPROCEDR  - Used to validate procedure codes.