DR25.1 - Planned Orders
Use this form to display and adjust (if needed) planned orders processed in
DR100 (Distribution Requirements Report). DR100 tracks stock requirements
based on future demand, supply, and inventories by time period. It calculates
when an order should be placed to satisfy the demand. DR100 also creates
unreleased documents such as intransit documents and purchase orders.
This form allows you to adjust planned order dates and quantities. If planned
orders place demand on another location, use this form to review and adjust
(if needed) order dates and quantities before running DR100 (Distribution
Requirements Report) for the other location, that can place demand on the
This form displays by item, the order quantities needed to prevent
stock-on-hand from going negative or dropping below the safety stock level.
Order quantities are calculated for number of planned weeks specified when
planned orders were calculated.
This form displays the date the planned order should be shipped and received
and includes the replenishment location if an intransit document exists or
vendor if a purchase order exists.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left
ICPLANORD - Used for display of planned data and updating modifications
effected by the user.
Referenced Files
ICCOMPANY - Used for validation of company parameter.
ICLOCATION - Used for display of location description.
ITEMLOC - Used for validation of Item location.
ITEMMAST - Used for validation of item parameter and display of item