Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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GL36.1 - Fiscal Year Mapping

Use GL36.1 (Fiscal Year Mapping) to map the fiscal calendar of a company to
that of a reporting company with a different fiscal calendar. Run this program
to  complement GL130 (Create Chart Map), which maps the chart of accounts of a
posting (From) company to the chart of accounts of a reporting (To) company
with a different chart of accounts, and GL35.1 (Chart Map maintenance), which
enables you to fine-tune the  resulting  chart map.

To post balances from all the posting companies to the reporting company to
which they are mapped, run GL199 (Period  Closing)  on each posting (From)
company, then  run GL135 (Intercompany Chart Map  Posting) on each posting
company.  After you  have run GL135 on all the posting companies that are
mapped to the reporting company,  run  GL190 (Journal  Posting) on the
reporting company.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Maintains Checkpoint/Restart information.

    GLPERIODMP - Maintains the fiscal year map between two companies that have
                 different fiscal years and periods.

Referenced Files

    GLADDRESS  - Contains the name, address, and communication numbers for the
                 company and needed accounting units.

    GLCHART    - Maintains General Ledger charts of accounts.

    GLSYSTEM   - Contains company information used primarily by the Lawson
                 General Ledger, but is also referenced by Lawson subsystems.

INVOKED Programs
