Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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GL500 - Fiscal Year Change

**Form purpose
Run Fiscal Year Change (GL500) to change the value of the current accounting
period and fiscal year for your Lawson General Ledger company. All account
balances, transaction history, and budget information are adjusted to
correspond with the new accounting period and fiscal year.

You should run all financial statements and back up the database before you
run this program. After you run the program, you must rebuild consolidated
account balances, using Consolidated Balances (GL320). Then, run the new
financial  statements and  compare them to  the statements produced before the
change.  Finally, verify  that the  period-end dates assigned in the Calendar
form tab  of GL10.1  (Company) are  appropriate.

Updated Files

    CAHEADER   - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    CATRANS    - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart capability.

    CUAMOUNT   - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    CUAMOUNTX  - This file is updated with report currency balances.

    CUTRANSL   - This file maintains translation rates for each currency

    FBDETAIL   - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    FBDTLHIST  - This file stores the budget detail version information.

    FBHEADER   - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    FBHISTHDR  - This file stores the budget header information for a version.

    FBSPREAD   - This file stores budget spread codes maintained by this

    GLAMOUNTS  - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    GLAMOUNTSX - This file is updated with report currency balances.

    GLCODES    -

    GLCONTROL  - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    GLJELOG    - This file is updated with a journal entry posted log.  This
                 file will also be updated with any journal entry errors

    GLMASTER   - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    GLSYSJE    - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    GLSYSTEM   - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    GLTRANS    - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    GLUNITS    - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    GLUNITSX   - This file is updated with posting account unit daily balances.

    RJCONTROL  - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

    RJSCHEDULE - This file is accessed for interfaced recurring journal entries
                 to determine
                 the amount to be journalized. The schedule status is updated by
                 this program.

    ULPOST     - This file is updated with the fiscal year change.

Referenced Files

    CUCODES    - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.

    GLADDRESS  - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.

    GLCHART    - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.

    GLCHARTDTL - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.

    GLNAMES    - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.

    GLZONE     - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.

    RJBRIDGE   - This file is updated with an interfaced recurring journal
                 released status.

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
