GL75.1 - Recurring Journal Control
Use GL75.1 (Recurring Journal Control) to display and maintain the recurring
journal entry status. You can use this form to release, unrelease, journalize,
and unprocess multiple recurring journal entries.
This form displays the entry number, type, description, the period and year
last processed, status, debits and credits, and the transaction currency.
When you transfer, or journalize, a recurring journal entry, the recurring
journal entry becomes available for posting to the General Ledger. If you use
a Workflow system for approving journal entries, recurring journal entries
that are greater than or equal to the approval amount defined for the company
on the Journals form tab in GL10.1 (Company) are routed to the Workflow system
for approval. These recurring journal entries must be approved before they can
be posted to the General Ledger.
Before you transfer recurring journal entries, run GL270 (Recurring Journal
Edit Listing) to print a detailed listing of each recurring journal entry for
After this program
Run GL190 (Journal Posting) to update and summarize company account balances.
Run GL179 (Recurring Journal Closing) to close the recurring journal system.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
GLCONTROL - Used to validate for the existence of a journal entry.
GLSYSTEM - This file is updated with a recurring journalized running flag.
JBKSEQNBR - Stores the last transaction posting sequence option for a
company, if the sequential transaction posting option is a
selected company parameter.
RJBRIDGE - This file is updated with a deleted recurring interface record
when the recurring journal is deleted.
RJCONTROL - This file stores the recurring journal definition maintained
by this program.
RJSCHEDULE - This file is updated with deleted recurring schedule records
when a recurring journal is deleted.
RJTRANS - This file is updated with a transaction status change.
SYSTEMCODE - This file is used to validate a system code.
Referenced Files
CUCONV - Used to validate exchange rates.
CURELAT - Used to validate currency relationships.
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLMASTER - Used to validate posting accounts.
GLZONE - Used to validate zones.
RJMXVALUE - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
INVOKED Programs