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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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IC191 - Item Master Audit Trail

Run this program to print the Item Master Audit Trail listing. This report
lists all field maintenance activity that occurred in the Item Master file.
This report includes the field description, before and after field values, and
the date and time the maintenance occurred. This report also includes the
operator signed on the terminal at the time the maintenance was done.

You must print this report for a specific item group. You can specify a date
range and/or specific item number. These options let you audit master
maintenance activity for a specific date range for one or more items.

This program also lets you delete Item Master audit records from the Item/Item
Location Audit file and not print the report. Typically, these options are
selected once you have printed a listing of Item Master audit records. Once
deleted you cannot print audit records for the same items(s) and/or date

Note: Audit trail records are maintained in the Inventory Control application
only if your company is defined in IC00.1 (Corporate Item Group) to audit Item
Master maintenance activities.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used in back out/restart circumstances.

    ICAUDIT    - These records are deleted with the appropriate option.

Referenced Files

    ICDICT     - Used to obtain the field names or the prompt for the 'before'
                 and 'after' images.

    ITEMGROUP  - Used to validate the item group.

    ITEMMAST   - Used to validate the item.