Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


IC27.1 - Lot Hold Control

Use this form to place lots on hold, release lots from hold, and update lot
expiration dates. Perform the following to use this form.

-Select the Inquire form action to display an item lot record. Initially, lot
records are defined through incoming receipt forms.
- Display an item's lot record.
- Select the Change form action to set the hold flag (Yes or No) and/or enter
an expiration date.

If a lot is placed on hold, you cannot process transactions involving that lot
until you change the hold status back to No.

Lot expiration dates print on the Lot Status Report (IC230) and are used by
the Warehouse application to allocate older lots first.

Note: Because this form does not allow you to place only sublots on hold or
update only sublot expiration dates, it is recommended that you associate
specific lots to sublots at receipt time. This process lets you control
sublots through this form by its associated lot.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
                 to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left

    ICLOT      - Primary file maintained by program.

Referenced Files

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the company number entered.

    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the location entered.

    ITEMLOC    - Used to validate the item at a specific location.

    ITEMMAST   - Used to validate the item number entered.