Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


IC28.1 - Cost Adjustments

Use this form to change the unit cost of a receipt record after it is
released (updated) to the Inventory Control application. Receipt records are
created in the Inventory Control, Purchase Order, Order Entry, and Work Order
applications. Cost adjustments are processed by company, location, item
number, document type, document ID, and line number. Receipt document types
are listed below.

        AJ = Adjustments             RC = Receipts
        CR = Customer Returns        RR = Requisition Returns
        PI = Physical Inventory      RT = Receipt Transfers
        PO = Purchase Orders

This program changes the unit cost of a receipt record, adjusts the item's
average cost, and creates the appropriate general ledger transactions to
reflect the change in inventory value. After a cost adjustment is processed a
CA (Cost Adjustment) inventory transaction type is created.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
                 to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left

    ICRECEIPTS - Primary file maintained by program.

    ICTRANS    - Primary file maintained by program.

    ITEMLOC    - Average cost is recalculated and updated.

    MMUAVAL    -

Referenced Files

    GLCODES    - Used in a General Ledger common routine.

    ICBIN      - Used to validate bin number.

    ICCATEGORY - Used to extract the default general ledger account numbers if
                 no override account numbers are entered.

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the existence of the company number entered.

    ICLOCATION - Used to validate the existence of the location entered.

    ITEMMAST   - Used to validate the existence of the item number entered.

    REASON     - Used to validate the existence of the reason code entered.

INVOKED Programs
