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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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MX05.1 - Attribute Template

Use MX05.1 (Attribute Template) to define and maintain an attribute template.
A template is a user-defined group of attribute values for an object type. You
can use a template to quickly and consistently assign attribute values in
GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts), GL20.1 (Accounting  Units - Accounts), AC13.1
(Activity Attributes), AM23.1 (Asset Attributes), LM23.1 (Lease Attributes)
and SL00.1 (User Analysis  Values). You associate each template with one
object type. You can only  include one value for each attribute.

If you change an attribute that is assigned to a template, GL00.1, GL20.1,
AC13.1, AM23.1, LM23.1, and SL00.1 are NOT automatically updated. You must
re-apply  the template.

If you already have attributes assigned, the template does not override any
previously defined attribute values. The template is an addition to any
existing attributes.

Choose the New Template button to define a new template name, a description of
the template, and associate the template with an object type.

Run MX205 (Template Listing) to the templates defined for a specific object

Updated Files

    MXTMPLDTL  - This file stores the template attribute detail information
                 maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    MXCATDEF   - Used to validate attribute information.

    MXELEMENT  - Used to access an attribute's element information.

    MXOBJCAT   - Used to validate the object/attribute relationship.

    MXTMPLHDR  - Used to validate the template name.

    MXVALIDATE - Used to validate valid attribute values.

    OBJID      - Used to validate the object type.

MX05.2 - Define Template

Use MX05.2 (Define Template) to define a new template name, a description of
the template, and associate the template with an object type.

Updated Files

    MXTMPLDTL  - Used to validate the existence of template attribute detail.

    MXTMPLHDR  - Used to store the template information maintained by this

Referenced Files

    MXTMPLDTL  - Used to validate the existence of template attribute detail.

    OBJID      - Used to validate the existence of the object type.