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PA01.1 - Position Class

Use PA01.1 (Position Class) to create a new position class or to assign
positions to an existing position class. A position class clusters position
codes together for inquiry, reporting, and totaling. PA01.1 displays the
positions in a position class.

By assigning positions to more than one class, you can see positions in many
different ways. For example, you could display the total number of all manager
positions in the company. Or you could display all the positions in a
department, which could include some manager positions.

When you add a position to a position class, the number of budgeted
positions, the variance, and the position status display for the position in
the position class. A position does not have to be active to be added to a
position class. You can also add a position that has a future effective date.

After positions have been added to a position class, choose the Totals button
to access PA01.3 (Position Class Totals) to view the current head counts,
FTEs, and salaries for a position class.

To assign one position to many position classes, use PA01.2 (Position Class
by Position). You can run PA201 (Position Class Listing) to list all position

Updated Files

    PACLASS    - The Position Class file is used to update total number of
                 positions, total number filled, total budgeted FTEs, and total
                 current FTEs for the class.

    PACLASSPOS - The Position Class/Position Number file is maintained by this

Referenced Files

    PAASSIGNED - The Assigned file is used to get assigned head count and FTE.

    PABUDGET   - The Budget file is used to get budgeted and authorized head
                 count and FTE.

    PAPOSITION - The Personnel Position Parameter file is used to display
                 position description, number of budgeted position, and position

    PAPOSRULE  - The Position Rule file is used to get position rules.

    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the

PA01.2 - Position Class By Position

Use PA01.2 (Position Class) to assign a position to position classes. A
position class clusters position codes together for inquiry, reporting, and
totaling. PA01.2 displays the position classes to which a position is

You can assign positions to more than one class, which lets you see positions
in many different ways. For example, you could display the total number of all
manager positions in the company. Or you could display all the positions in a
department, which could include some manager positions.

A position class must be defined in  PA01.1 (Position Class) before a
position can be assigned to it.

Updated Files

    PACLASSPOS - The Position Class/Position Number file is the primary file
                 maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    PAASSIGNED - The Assigned file is used to get assigned FTE and head count.

    PABUDGET   - The Budget file is used to get budgeted and authorized head
                 count and FTE.

    PACLASS    - The Position Class file is used to display description, total
                 positions, and total filled.

    PAPOSITION - The Personnel Position Parameter file is maintained by this
                 program on a change function.

    PAPOSRULE  - The Position Rules file is used to get position rules.

    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the

PA01.3 - Position Class Totals

Use the Position Class Totals window to display the current number of
employees assigned to positions in a position class. Access this window by
selecting the Totals button in PA01.1 (Position Class).

The Personnel Administration system calculates budgeted and authorized counts
for the position class by adding the individual counts for every position in
the position class.

When both authorized and budgeted head counts are used within a single
position class, the variance calculated for the position class will not be a
simple arithmetic calculation.

Position A and Position B are in the same position class and different rules
have been defined for each. Position A uses authorized counts and Position B
uses budgeted counts. Because the positions use different rules, the formula
for calculating variance is different for each position.

    For Position A, Variance = Authorized - Assigned
    For Position B, Variance = Budgeted - Assigned

            Budgeted        Authorized      Assigned       Variance
            Head            Head            Head           Head
            Count  FTE      Count  FTE      Count  FTE     Count  FTE
Position A    2     1         3     4         1     1        2     3
Position B    5     4        10    10         5     6        0    -2
             ===   ===       ===   ===       ===   ===      ===   ===
Totals        7     5        13    14         6     7        2     1

The system calculates the variance for each position using the appropriate
formula based on rules defined for that position. The variance totals for the
position class are  calculated by adding the variance for each position in the
position class. A message displays indicating whether the positions in this
position class use authorized counts, budgeted counts, or both.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    PAASSIGNED - The Assigned file is used to get assigned head count and FTE.

    PABUDGET   - The Budget file is used to get budgeted head count and FTE.

    PACLASSPOS - The Class Position file is used to get all positions in the

    PAPOSITION - The Position file is used to validate the position and to get
                 the process level and department for access to position rules.

    PAPOSRULE  - The Position Rule file is used to get position rules.

INVOKED Programs
