Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


RQ204 - Requester Listing

Run this program to print a listing of the requesters defined for the
selected company. Requesters are defined in RQ04.1 (Requesters).

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Used in the event of a program or system failure to enable a
                 batch update program to continue from where it left off.

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate company number and print company name.

Referenced Files

    MAJORCL    - Contains the major class codes which are entered on Item
                 Master records.

    MINORCL    - A detail file for the Major Class file.

    REQUESTER  - Used to print the requester data.

    RQACCTU    - This is the list of valid accounting units that this requester
                 can enter on a requisition.

    RQPURCHCLS - Contains the list of valid purchasing major classes that a
                 requester can enter items for on a requisition.

INVOKED Programs
