TR15.1 - Required Training by Employee
Use TR15.1 (Required Training by Employee) to assign tracks or courses to
employees and to view all of the required training for an employee.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - The Checkpoint file is the environment file used for recovery.
PAEMPTRACK - The Required Training file is the primary file maintained by
this program. This file is used to store required course and
track information.
Referenced Files
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is accessed to verify the employee and to
retrieve employee information.
HRSECLEV - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this program.
PACOURSE - The Courses file is accessed to verify courses and to retrieve
course information.
PATRACK - The Track file is accessed to verify tracks and to retrieve
track information.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify the
INVOKED Programs