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                             LANGPREF FILE

The language preference file maintains and validates language codes(locales)
that are  associated with a customer or vendor. In addition, it maintains
translated report headings pertaining to dunning for each language. The file
is updated by IFLC (Language Code Maintenance), AR19.2  (Language Code
Maintenance)  and AR19.3 (Translate  Dunning Headings). A default language can
be associated to customers in AR08.1 (Customer Defaults) and overridden for
each customer in AR10.1 (Customer).


AP10.1    AR141     CB00.5    GL219


AR19.2    GL19.1


DUG-LANGUAGE-CODE    Alpha 10                                    AR19.2  GL19.1
Language Code        The language code.  Must be full capped
                     and defined in the environment program
                     LANGDEF as well.

DUG-DESCRIPTION      Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      AR19.2  GL19.1
Description          The description of the language.

DUG-PAGE-LIT         Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                      AR19.2
Page Lit             The page column heading in the dunning
                     letter.  Use 19.3 (Translate Dunning
                     Headings) to translate this heading.

DUG-DATE-LIT         Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                      AR19.2
Date Lit             The Date column heading in the dunning
                     letter.  Use 19.3 (Translate Dunning
                     Headings) to translate this heading.

DUG-CUSTOMER-LIT     Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                      AR19.2
Customer Lit         The Customer column heading in the
                     dunning letter.  Use 19.3 (Translate
                     Dunning Headings) to translate this

DUG-INVOICE-LIT      Alpha 10                                    AR19.2
Invoice Lit

DUG-TRANS-DT-LIT1    Alpha 8  (Lower Case)                       AR19.2
Trans Dt Lit1        The Trans part of the Trans Date column
                     heading in the dunning letter.  Use 19.3
                     (Translate Dunning Headings) to
                     translate this heading.

DUG-TRANS-DT-LIT2    Alpha 8  (Lower Case)                       AR19.2
Trans Dt Lit2        The Date part of the Trans Date column
                     heading in the dunning letter.  Use 19.3
                     (Translate Dunning Headings) to
                     translate this heading.

DUG-DUE-DATE-LIT1    Alpha 8  (Lower Case)                       AR19.2
Due Date Lit1        The Due part of the Due Date column
                     heading in the dunning letter.  Use 19.3
                     (Translate Dunning Headings) to
                     translate this heading.

DUG-DUE-DATE-LIT2    Alpha 8  (Lower Case)                       AR19.2
Due Date Lit2        The Date part of the Due Date column
                     heading in the dunning letter.  Use 19.3
                     (Translate Dunning Headings) to
                     translate this heading.

DUG-DUE-DAYS-LIT1    Alpha 6  (Lower Case)                       AR19.2
Due Days Lit1        The Due part of the Due Days column
                     heading in the dunning letter.  Use 19.3
                     (Translate Dunning Headings) to
                     translate this heading.

DUG-DUE-DAYS-LIT2    Alpha 6  (Lower Case)                       AR19.2
Due Days Lit2        The Days part of the Due Days column
                     heading in the dunning letter.  Use 19.3
                     (Translate Dunning Headings) to
                     translate this heading.

DUG-ORIG-AMT-LIT     Alpha 11  (Lower Case)                      AR19.2
Orig Amt Lit         The Orig Amount column heading in the
                     dunning letter.  Use 19.3 (Translate
                     Dunning Headings) to translate this

DUG-OPEN-AMT-LIT     Alpha 11  (Lower Case)                      AR19.2
Open Amt Lit         The Open Amount column heading in the
                     dunning letter.  Use 19.3 (Translate
                     Dunning Headings) to translate this

DUG-CURR-LIT         Alpha 7  (Lower Case)                       AR19.2
Curr Lit             The Curr column heading in the dunning
                     letter.  Use 19.3 (Translate Dunning
                     Headings) to translate this heading.

DUG-DUNNED-LIT       Alpha 6  (Lower Case)                       AR19.2
Dunned Lit           The Dunned column heading in the
                     dunning letter.  Use 19.3 (Translate
                     Dunning Headings) to translate this

DUG-TOTAL-OPEN-LIT   Alpha 22  (Lower Case)                      AR19.2
Total Open Lit       The Total Open column heading in the
                     dunning letter. Use 19.3 (Translate
                     Dunning Headings) to translate this

DUG-TOTAL-DUNN-LIT   Alpha 22  (Lower Case)                      AR19.2
Total Dunn Lit       The Total Dunned column heading in the
                     dunning letter.  Use 19.3 (Translate
                     Dunning Headings) to translate this

DUG-TOTAL-FEE-LIT    Alpha 22  (Lower Case)                      AR19.2
Total Fee Lit        The Total Fee column heading in the
                     dunning letter.  Use 19.3 (Translate
                     Dunning Headings) to translate this

                         LANGPREF FILE INDEX


DUGSET1   LANGUAGE-CODE                                          AP10.1  AR141
                                                                 AR19.1  AR19.2
                                                                 CB00.5  GL19.1