AR19.1 - Dunning Letter Text Code Maint
Use AR19.1 (Dunning Letter Text Code Maintenance) to create dunning letter
text in one or more languages. Each text code is assigned to one letter and
its various translations. When you print the dunning letter, the system
determines which version to print based on the language code specified for the
customer in AR08.1 (Customer Defaults) or AR10.1 (Customer). The language code
must be predefined in AR19.2 (Language Code Maintenance).
Use the Dunning Process Code Maint button to open AR18.3 (Dunning Process Code
Maintenance) and assign a process code to the text code.
Updated Files
ARDUNTXTCD - Maintains and validates dunning letter text codes and text.
Referenced Files
LANGPREF - Maintains and validates dunning letter language codes.
AR19.2 - Dunning Language Code Maintenance
Use AR19.2 (Dunning Language Code Maintenance) to specify a language code
referring to the language in which a dunning letter is to be printed. The
language code must be in full caps.
The same language code must be defined as a valid "locale" via use of the
"locdef" environment program. Do a F4 (Select) to display a list of valid
locales. To access the "locdef" environment program, return to the
environment prompt and type locdef.
Note, you must set up a language-code of all spaces in AR19.2. The
corresponding description should reflect "US ENGLISH".
Use the Inquire form action to display already defined language codes. You
can define a language code on this form or on GL19.1 (Language Code
Maintenance). Language codes defined on either form are displayed on both
forms. However, if the language is to be used for dunning letters, you will
need to also use this form to translate the dunning letter headings.
Use the Translate Dunn Headings button to open AR19.3 (Translate Dunning
Headings) and translate the headings for the dunning statements. These are the
headings that are common to all dunning letters. Use AR19.1 (Dunning Letter
text Code Maintenance) to enter the text of the letter in the language that
you select.
Updated Files
LANGPREF - Maintains and validates dunning letter language codes.
Referenced Files
AR19.4 - Late Payment Notice Text Code Maintenance
Use AR19.4 (Late Payment Notice Text Code Maintenance) to define and maintain
late payment notice text for a company in multiple languages. AR137 (Finance
Charge Late Payment) uses this program to select the payment notice text to be
printed on the late payment notices. The customer's language code preference
defined in AR10.1 (Customer) determines which language version of the text
code is to be printed on a customer's notice of late payment.
Updated Files
ARPAYNOTTX - The main file updated by this program.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates the AR company.
AR19.5 - Chargeback Text Code Maintenance
Use AR19.5 (Chargeback Text code Maintenance) to define and maintain
chargeback text for a company in multiple languages. AR191 (Chargeback
Creation) uses this program to select the chargeback text to be printed on the
chargeback notice. The customer's language code defined in AR10.1 (Customer)
determines which language version of the chargeback notice code is to be
printed on a customer's chargeback notice.
Updated Files
ARCHGBAKTX - The primary file updated by this program.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates the AR company number.
AR19.6 - Return-to-Maker Text Code Maintenance
Use AR19.6 (Return-to-Maker Text Code Maintenance) to define and maintain
return-to-maker text for a company in multiple languages. This program is used
by AR82.1 (Returned Payment) to select the text to be printed on a returned
payment notice.
The customer's language code selected for the customer on AR10.1 (Customer)
determines which language version of the return-to-maker notice code is to be
printed on a customer's return-to-maker notice.
Updated Files
ARRTMTX - The main file populated by this program.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates the company number.
AR19.7 - Statement-Print Text Code Maintenance
Use AR19.5 (Statement-Print Text Code Maintenance) to define and maintain
statement-print text for a company in multiple languages. This program is used
by AR150 (Statement Print) to select the text to be printed on a statement.
The customer's language code selected for the customer on AR10.1 (Customer)
determines which language version of the statement-print text code is to be
printed on a customer's statement.
Updated Files
ARSTMPRTTX - The primary file populated by this program.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates the AR company number.