Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AC23.1 - Spread Codes

**Form Purpose
Use Spread Codes (AC23.1) to define spread codes. Spread codes let you spread
budget amounts over each year of an activity group or activity. Use spread
codes if the actual amount for the activity group or activity is different
from period to period or year to year. If you do not use spread codes, the
Activity Management system divides the budget amounts evenly based on the
start and end dates of the activity group or activity.

Updated Files

    ACSPREAD   - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
                 Maintains spread code header information.

    ACSPREADX  - This is one of the primary files maintained by this program.
                 Maintains spread code detail information.

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart capability.

Referenced Files

    ACBUDDTL   - This file is referenced on a Delete action. You cannot delete
                 a spread code if it is assigned to budget.