ACSS.1 - Scenario Dimension
**Form Purpose
Use Scenario Dimension (ACSS.1) to define the options for the scenario
dimension. Enter the member name for scenarios that you want to include in the
data mart. You must include at least one member in this dimension.
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ACSS.2 - Budgets
**Form Purpose
Use Budgets (ACSS.2) to define the budget type and member names of the
scenario dimension.
Budget: Type the budget number or choose Define or press F6 to select the
type of budget you want to use.
Note: Budgets are defined in the Project and Activity Management application.
Member Name: Type a member name.
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ACSS.3 - Budget Variances
**Form Purpose
Use Budget Variances (ACSS.3) to add variance calculations for the scenario
Member Name: Type a member name.
Amt Pct: Select A (Variance Amount) or P (Variance Percent) to determine
which type of calculation the member will contain.
Type: Select the type of variance you want to calculate.
Budget Nbr 1: Type the budget number or choose Define or press F6 to select
the type of budget you want to use.
Budget Nbr 2: If you chose B (Budget to Budget) in the Type field, type the
budget number or choose Define or press F6 to select the type of budget you
want to use.
Note: Budgets are defined in the Project and Activity Management application.
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INVOKED Programs