Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AM13.1 - Asset Group

**Form Purpose
Use Asset Group (AM13.1) to define the name of a single asset group. Asset
groups are used to group assets for processing or reporting purposes.

**More Information
You assign an asset to an asset group when you add the asset. All assets
assigned to the same asset group can then be processed together.

Choose the Multiple Entry button to open Asset Groups (AM13.2) and define
multiple asset groups.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    AMASSET    -

AM13.2 - Asset Groups

**Form Purpose
Use Asset Groups (AM13.2) to define multiple asset groups. Asset groups are
used to group assets for processing or reporting purposes.

**More Information
You assign an asset to an asset group when you add the asset. All assets
assigned to the same asset group can then be processed together.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    AMASSET    -