Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AR286 - Customer Grand Livre

**Form Purpose
Run Customer Grand Livre (AR286) to print a detailed report of customer
transactions  and balances by account number and customer for one or more
accounting  periods. You can print a report of both unapplied (open) and
applied (closed) transactions or of only unapplied  transactions.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    ARADJUST   - Used to retrieve adjustment information.

    ARAPPLIED  - Used to retrieve cash application information.

    ARCODE     - Used to validate the GL codes to be used in AR.

    ARCOMP     - Used to validate AR company information.

    ARCUSTOMER - Used to validate customer information.

    ARDISTRIB  - Used to retrieve distribution information.

    ARDRAFTS   - Used to retrieve bill of exchange information.

    AROIHDR    - Used to retrieve open transaction header information.

    AROITEMS   - Used to retrieve open transaction detail information.

    ARPAYMENT  - Used to retrieve batch payment detail information.

    ARPYMNTHDR - Used to retrieve batch payment header information.

    ARRTM      - Used to retrieve return-to-maker information.

    CUSTDESC   - Used to retrieve the customer address information.

    GLCHARTDTL - Used to validate chart of account information.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate GL company information.