AR98.1 - Conversion Customer
**Form Purpose
Use Conversion Customer (AR98.1) to maintain customer records in the Accounts
Receivable conversion file. Records in this file have been converted from an
external source and loaded into the Accounts Receivable system.
You can access and change field data to comply with the edit requirements of
AR501 (Customer Conversion).
Updated Files
ARCCUST - Primary file updated by program.
Referenced Files
AR98.2 - Conversion Customer Period
**Form Purpose
Use Conversion Customer Period (AR98.2) to maintain customer records in the
Accounts Receivable conversion file. Records in this file have been converted
from an external source, and loaded into the Accounts Receivable system.
You can access and change field data to comply with the edit requirements of
AR501 (Customer Conversion).
Updated Files
ARICUSTPER - Primary file updated by program.
Referenced Files
AR98.3 - Conversion Customer Order Entry
**Form Purpose
Use Conversion Customer Order Entry (AR98.3) to maintain customer records in
the Accounts Receivable conversion file. Records in this file have been
converted from an external source, and loaded into the Accounts Receivable
You can access and change field data to comply with the edit requirements of
AR501 (Customer Conversion).
Updated Files
ARIOECUST - Primary file updated by program.
Referenced Files