BN18.1 - Options Amount
**Form Purpose
Use Options Amount (BN18.1) to define contributions for plans in which
contributions are associated with coverage options.
Use this form only if the Contribution Type field is Options Amount in BN15.1
(Benefit Plan) for the plan.
Updated Files
BNPRMOPT - Benefit Premium Option records are deleted when the option
amount is deleted.
CONTRDETL - The Contribution Schedule Detail file records are deleted when
the options amount is deleted.
PREMIUM - The Benefit Plan Premium file is the primary file updated by
the program.
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
The Employee Benefit file validates the benefits to ensure
records are not deleted if benefits exist.
BNCOMPANY - The Benefit Company Parameters file validates the company.
PARTBEN - The COBRA Participant Benefits file ensures records are not
deleted if COBRA participant benefits exist.
PERSGROUP - The Employee Group Header validates the group and retrieves
the group name. It also validates whether the group is flagged
for benefits.
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file retrieves the plan description and uses
the plan type for verifications.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file retrieves the company
RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file checks rates and calculates the
employee total rate (employee rate - flex rate).
RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header validates the rate table.
BN18.2 - Options Amount Range
**Form Purpose
Use Options Amount Range (BN18.2) to define contributions for plans in which
contributions are associated with coverage options and are based on salary,
age, or years of service ranges.
Updated Files
BNPRMOPT - Benefit Premium Option records are deleted when the option
amount is deleted.
CONTRDETL - The Contribution Schedule Detail file records are deleted when
the options amount is deleted.
PREMIUM - The Benefit Plan Premium file is the primary file updated by
the program.
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
The Employee Benefit file validates the benefits to ensure
records are not deleted if benefits exist.
BNCOMPANY - The Benefit Company Parameters file validates the company.
PARTBEN - The COBRA Participant Benefits file ensures records are not
deleted if COBRA participant benefits exist.
PERSGROUP - The Employee Group Header validates the group and retrieves
the group name. It also validates whether the group is flagged
for benefits.
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file retrieves the plan description and uses
the plan type
for verifications.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file retrieves the company
RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file checks rates and calculates the
employee total rate (employee rate - flex rate).
RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header validates the rate table.
BN18.3 - Flat Contributions
**Form Purpose
Use Flat Contributions (BN18.3) to define contributions for plans in which
every employee in a group pays the same flat amount, flat percent, or percent
of salary.
Use this form only for plans with either coverage amounts or no coverage.
**Processing Effect
Any amounts on this form use the currency associated with the plan on BN15.1
(Benefit Plan).
COBRA participant and retiree annual contributions are divided by 12 to
determine the monthly billing amount.
Updated Files
BNPRMOPT - Benefit Premium Option records are deleted when the option
amount is deleted.
CONTRDETL - The Contribution Schedule Detail file records are deleted when
the options amount is deleted.
PREMIUM - The Benefit Plan Premium file is the primary file updated by
the program.
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
The Employee Benefit file validates the benefits to ensure
records are not deleted if benefits exist.
BNCOMPANY - The Benefit Company Parameters file validates the company.
PARTBEN - The COBRA Participant Benefits file ensures records are not
deleted if COBRA participant benefits exist.
PERSGROUP - The Employee Group Header validates the group and retrieves
the group name. It also validates whether the group is flagged
for benefits.
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file retrieves the plan description and uses
the plan type for verifications.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file retrieves the company
RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file checks rates and calculates the
employee total rate (employee rate - flex rate).
RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header validates the rate table.
BN18.4 - Salary or Coverage Rate Table
**Form Purpose
Use Salary or Coverage Rate Table (BN18.4) to define flat annual
contributions based on the benefit's annual salary or coverage amount. You can
vary contributions by age, salary, or years of service.
Use this form only if the Coverage Type field in Coverage Amount and the
Contribution Type field is Salary or Coverage Rate Table in BN15.1 (Benefit
Plan) for the plan.
**More Information
Any amounts on this form use the currency associated with the plan on BN15.1
(Benefit Plan).
Updated Files
BNPRMOPT - Benefit Premium Option records are deleted when the option
amount is deleted.
CONTRDETL - The Contribution Schedule Detail file records are deleted when
the options amount is deleted.
PREMIUM - The Benefit Plan Premium file is the primary file updated by
the program.
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
The Employee Benefit file validates the benefits to ensure
records are not deleted if benefits exist.
BNCOMPANY - The Benefit Company Parameters file validates the company.
PARTBEN - The COBRA Participant Benefits file ensures records are not
deleted if COBRA participant benefits exist.
PERSGROUP - The Employee Group Header validates the group and retrieves
the group name. It also validates whether the group is flagged
for benefits.
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file retrieves the plan description and uses
the plan type for verifications.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file retrieves the company
RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file checks rates and calculates the
employee total rate (employee rate - flex rate).
RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header validates the rate table.
BN18.5 - Contribution Limits
**Form Purpose
Use Contribution Limits (BN18.5) to define contribution limits and company
contributions for a plan in which employees elect contributions within limits.
For example, use this form for a spending account in which the company limits
the amount an employee can contribute.
Use this form also for vacation plans to define the maximum number of hours
employees can buy or sell and the cost of those hours.
Use this form for employee or COBRA participant contributions.
Use this form only if the Contribution Type field is Contribution Limits in
BN15.1 (Benefit Plan) for the plan.
**Processing Effect
Any amounts on this form use the currency associated with the plan on BN15.1
(Benefit Plan).
Annual contributions for COBRA participants are divided by 12 to determine
the monthly billing amount.
Updated Files
BNPRMOPT - Benefit Premium Option records are deleted when the option
amount is deleted.
CONTRDETL - The Contribution Schedule Detail file records are deleted when
the options amount is deleted.
PREMIUM - The Benefit Plan Premium file is the primary file updated by
the program.
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
The Employee Benefit file validates the benefits to ensure
records are not deleted if benefits exist.
BNCOMPANY - The Benefit Company Parameters file validates the company.
PARTBEN - The COBRA Participant Benefits file ensures records are not
deleted if COBRA participant benefits exist.
PERSGROUP - The Employee Group Header validates the group and retrieves
the group name. It also validates whether the group is flagged
for benefits.
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file retrieves the plan description and uses
the plan type for verifications.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file retrieves the company
RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file checks rates and calculates the
employee total rate (employee rate - flex rate).
RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header validates the rate table.
BN18.6 - Match Limit Schedule
**Form Purpose
Use Match Limit Schedule (BN18.6) to define contribution limits for a plan in
which employees contribute a percent or an amount that the company matches.
Use this form only if the Contribution Type field is Match Limit Schedule in
BN15.1 (Benefit Plan) for the plan. This form is not valid for COBRA
participant and retiree contributions.
**Processing Effect
Any amounts on this form use the currency associated with the plan on BN15.1
(Benefit Plan).
Updated Files
BNPRMOPT - Benefit Premium Option records are deleted when the option
amount is deleted.
CONTRDETL - The Contribution Schedule Detail file records are deleted when
the options amount is deleted.
PREMIUM - The Benefit Plan Premium file is the primary file updated by
the program.
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
The Employee Benefit file validates the benefits to ensure
records are not deleted if benefits exist.
BNCOMPANY - The Benefit Company Parameters file validates the company.
PARTBEN - The COBRA Participant Benefits file ensures records are not
deleted if COBRA participant benefits exist.
PERSGROUP - The Employee Group Header validates the group and retrieves
the group name. It also validates whether the group is flagged
for benefits.
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file retrieves the plan description and uses
the plan type for verifications.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file retrieves the company
RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file checks rates and calculates the
employee total rate
(employee rate - flex rate).
RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header validates the rate table.
BN18.7 - Match Percent Schedule
**Form Purpose
Use Match Percent Schedule (BN18.7) to define contributions for a plan in
which employees contribute a percent or an amount that the company matches.
Use this form only if the Contribution Type field is Match Percent Schedule
in BN15.1 (Benefit Plan) for the plan. This form is not valid for COBRA
participant and retiree contributions.
**Processing Effect
The company match is calculated as a percentage of the employee's
contribution and can be fixed or cumulative. If the match calculation is
fixed, the company match directly corresponds to the percent of the employee's
contribution. If the match is cumulative, the company match varies by
incremental percents. The company match varies as the employee's contribution
percent increases.
For example:
A plan matches 50 percent of employee contributions from one percent up to
four percent and 25 percent of employee contributions from five percent up to
10 percent.
If the match calculation is fixed and an employee contributes three percent,
the company match is 1.5 (0.5 * 3). If the employee contributes seven percent,
the company match is 1.75 (0.25 * 7).
If the match calculation is cumulative and an employee contributes three
percent, the company match is 1.5 (0.5 * 3). If the employee contributes seven
percent, the company match is 50 percent of the first four percent and 25
percent of the next three percent, or 2.75 percent (0.5 * 4 + 0.25 * 3).
Any amounts on this form use the currency associated with the plan on BN15.1
(Benefit Plan).
Updated Files
BNPRMOPT - Benefit Premium Option records are deleted when the option
amount is deleted.
CONTRDETL - The Contribution Schedule Detail file records are deleted when
the options
amount is deleted.
PREMIUM - The Benefit Plan Premium file is the primary file updated by
the program.
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
The Employee Benefit file validates the benefits to ensure
records are not
deleted if benefits exist.
BNCOMPANY - The Benefit Company Parameters file validates the company.
PARTBEN - The COBRA Participant Benefits file ensures records are not
deleted if COBRA participant benefits exist.
PERSGROUP - The Employee Group Header validates the group and retrieves
the group name. It
also validates whether the group is flagged for benefits.
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file retrieves the plan description and uses
the plan type
for verifications.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file retrieves the company
RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file checks rates and calculates the
employee total rate
(employee rate - flex rate).
RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header validates the rate table.