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BN233 - COBRA and Retiree Benefit Report

**Form Purpose
Run COBRA and Retiree Benefit Report (BN233) to print a report of all
benefits in which COBRA participants or retirees are enrolled.

For each COBRA participant or retiree benefit, the report shows the following
applicable items: start and stop dates, coverage options, coverage amounts,
monthly contributions, and whether comments exist for the benefit.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    BNCOMMENTS - The Benefit Comments file is used to verify whether comments

    BNCOMPANY  - The Benefit Company Parameters file is used to verify company

    BNCOVOPT   - The Benefit Coverage Options file is accessed to retrieve the
                 coverage option.

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file contains retired employee data.

    PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee PA Information file contains retired employee

    PARTBEN    - The COBRA Participant Benefit file is used to verify benefit

    PARTICIPNT - The COBRA Participant file contains COBRA participant data.

    PLAN       - The Benefit Plan file contains plan information.

    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify
                 company information.