CB02.1 - Bank Transfer Table
**Form Purpose
Use Bank Transfer Table (CB02.1) to define information used for transferring
funds between cash codes (which represent bank accounts) in CB15 (Bank Fund
**More Information
For each cash code you set up for funds transfer, select the bank service
transaction codes that represent a withdrawal from the account, a deposit to
the account, and a bank expense associated with the funds transfer. The
transaction codes you select must be valid bank service transaction codes in
CB00.4 (Bank Transaction Definition).
Updated Files
CBBANKENT - Validates bank and updates used flag.
CBBANKINST - Validates bank transaction code and updates used flag.
CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.
CBTRFTABLE - Creates bank transfer table records.
Referenced Files
CBUSER - Validates user can access cash code.
CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.