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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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CB99.1 - Bank Account Balance Update

**Form Purpose
Use Bank Account Balance Update (CB99.1) to adjust the open and reconciled
balances of each cash code (representing a bank account) to include
transactions not converted in the current balances.

**More Information
For each cash code, type the current balance of all outstanding
(unreconciled) transactions in the Open Balance field and the current balance
of reconciled transactions in the Reconcile Balance field.

Note CB99.1 is a one-time program used to adjust bank account balance
information after converting non-Lawson bank transactions.

Updated Files

    CBCASHCODE - Used to validate cash code and update balances.

Referenced Files

    CBADJUST   - Used to check if adjustments exist for entered cash code.

    CBBALANCE  - Used to check if balance records exist for entered cash code.

    CBBANKENT  - Used to validate bank.

    CBDISTRIB  - Used to check if distributions exist for the entered cash code.

CB99.2 - Bank Period Balance Update

**Form Purpose
Use Bank Period Balance Update (CB99.2) to adjust the period ending balance
of each cash code (which represents a bank account) to include transactions
not converted and exclude transactions converted for past periods. Inquire to
display period account balances using the period ending date from CB190.

Note CB99.2 is a one-time program used to adjust bank account balance
information after converting non-Lawson bank transactions.

Updated Files

    CBBALANCE  - Updates period balances.

Referenced Files

    CBBANKENT  - Used to validate bank.

    CBCASHCODE - Used to validate cash code.