Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


MX260 - Attribute Valid Value Listing

**Form Purpose
Run Attribute Valid Value Listing (MX260) to print a list of the attribute
values contained in the Attribute Valid Values Interface file (MXVALREL).

You can list all the values for all the attributes in all the run groups by
leaving both the Run Group field and the Attribute field blank.

You can select a run group in the Run Group field to list only the values for
all the attributes in that run group.

You can select an attribute in the Attribute field to list only the values
assigned to that attribute.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    MXCATDEF   -



    MXVALREL   -

    WFSETUP    -