Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


PA03.1 - Position Change

**Form Purpose
Use Position Change (PA03.1) to complete the update process that begins when
you change position information in Positions (PA02.1).

Note When you change information for a current position on PA02.1, the new
information may need to update requisitions, new employees, current employees,
and pending actions.

Updated Files

    PAPOSCHG   -

    PAPOSERR   -

Referenced Files

    PADICT     -

    PAPOSERR   -


    PRSYSTEM   -

PA03.2 - Position Change - Detail

**Form Purpose
Use Position Change - Detail (PA03.2) to complete the update process that
begins when you change position information in Positions (PA02.1).

Note When you change information for a current position on PA02.1, the new
information may need to update requisitions, new employees, current employees,
and pending actions.

Updated Files

    PAPOSERR   -

Referenced Files

    EMPLOYEE   -

    HRSECLEV   -

    PAJOBREQ   -


    PRSYSTEM   -