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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


PA55.1 - Retroactive History Audit

**Form Purpose
Use Retroactive History Audit (PA55.1) to view fields with pending
retroactive changes. Evaluate the impact on retroactive history and make
changes where necessary.

**Processing Effect
The fields list for an employee due to a number of possibilities:

- A field is changed retroactively on Employee (HR11) or Employee Conversion
(HR511), and the company's Default Correction Method on Company (HR00) is set
to Create pending update records (1).

- A personnel action is updated and the special processing History Correction
is set to Create pending update records (1).

- A personnel action is updated but no special processing History Correction
is set. The action changed a field retroactively and the company's default
(HR00) is set to Create pending update records (1).

- An employee is updated through a position change on Position (PA02.1). The
Position Action (set on HR00) has a History Correction Method (set on PA50) of
Create pending update records (1).

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -




Referenced Files

    EMPLOYEE   -

    HRSECLEV   -

    PADICT     -


    PRSYSTEM   -