PR280 - Deduction Audit Report
**Form Purpose
Run Deduction Audit Report (PR280) to print a report of changes made to
employee deduction records. The system creates log file records as indicated
in the Log Changes field in HR10.1 (Data Item Attributes).
**Processing Effect
When you run PR280 with R (Report) in the Update field, previous values and
new values are listed in the report with the date and time of the change.
When you run for PR280 with U (Update and Report) in the Update field,
records are deleted from the log file.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - The Universe file used for recovery.
Referenced Files
DEDCODE - Used to validate deductions.
EMPLOYEE - Used to retrieve employee information.
HRSECLEV - Used to validate the employee's data item security level.
PADICT - Used to retrieve data item names.
PRSYSTEM - Used to validate the company.