Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


PR88.1 - Payroll Hours

**Form Purpose
Use Payroll Hours (PR88.1) to view seniority or vacation payroll hours. You
can update these records with Payroll Hours Update (PR188).

Note Even though you can directly modify records on this form, the next time
you run PR188 for that payroll year, the hours will be fully recalculated.

Updated Files

    PRHOURS    -

Referenced Files

    EMPLOYEE   -

    EMSTATUS   -

    HRSECLEV   -


    PRSYSTEM   -

PR88.2 - Total Payroll Hours

**Form Purpose
Use Total Payroll Hours (PR88.2) to view payroll hours for a specific hours
type and for a range of years.

Note Totals for the current year may need to be updated by running Payroll
Hours Update (PR188) before you view the hours.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    PRHOURS    -