RW30.1 - Ratio Definition
**Form Purpose
Use Ratio Definition (RW30.1) to assign compute statements to ratio names.
Ratio names are used to calculate amounts or units that produce a total value
(RW70.2). Ratio total names (RW70.1) can represent multiple accounting units,
accounts, subaccounts, or ranges for reporting.
Compute statements establish ratio calculations using data dictionary names
and ratio names.
**More Information
Choose the Calculate button to open GL85.1 (Ratio Analysis). Use this form to
compare the calculation results of two ratios according to the period and year
defined for the ratio.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
RADEFINE - Used to store ratio names maintained by this program.
RATOTALS - Used to store ratio totals calculated by this program.
ULTOTALS - Used to store totals for an accounting unit list and an
account range.
Referenced Files
CMPUTE - Used to access compute statement information.
GLCGCPY - Used to access companies associated with a company group.
GLCHARTDTL - Used to access detail account information.
GLCHARTSUM - Used to access summary account information.
GLCODES - Used to validate a folder name.
GLMASTER - Used to access posting account information.
GLNAMES - Used to access accounting unit information.
GLSYSTEM - Used to access company information.
MXLISTHDR - Used to validate the existence of an object list.
MXLISTMBR - Used to access accounting units associated with an accounting
unit list.
RWGRPDET - Used to access level, account, or subaccount information.
RWROWDET - Used to access Report Writer row detail information.
RWUSER - Used to validate authorized users.
ULPOST - Used to access last posting date and time.
INVOKED Programs