RW40.1 - Level Group
**Form Purpose
Use Level Group (RW40.1) to combine sequential and nonsequential level ranges
into one group for reporting and inquiries.
For example, if you must define a report on the consolidated totals of
department 1, department 3, and department 9, you can define a level group to
include just the three ranges representing each department. If you would
select the sequential range 1-9, the range includes values from other
**More Information
Choose the New Group button to define a new level group name and assign a
folder where level group information is stored. You can choose the Copy button
to open the Group Copy subform. Use this subform to create a new level,
account, or subaccount group by copying an existing one.
Choose the Preview button to view all level, account, and subaccount groups.
Choose the Acct Group button to define sequential and nonsequential account
ranges into one account group.
Choose the Sub Group button to define sequential and nonsequential subaccount
ranges into one subaccount group.
Updated Files
RWGRPDET - Used to maintain level groups maintained by this program.
RWHEADER - Updated with the last detail line number of the level group.
Referenced Files
GLCODES - Used to validate folder names.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate companies.
RWUSER - Used to validate authorized users.
RW40.2 - Level Preview
**Form Purpose
Use Level Preview (RW40.2) to view level groups defined in RW40.1 (Level
Updated Files
Referenced Files
GLCODES - Used to validate folders.
GLSYSTEM - Used to access company information.
RWGRPDET - Used to access group detail information.
RWHEADER - Used to validate level, account, and subaccount groups.
RW40.3 - Account Group
**Form Purpose
Use Account Group (RW40.3) to combine sequential or nonsequential account
ranges into one group for reporting and inquiries.
For example, if you must define a report on the consolidated totals of
accounts 4000 through 4999 and 6000 through 6999, you can define an account
group to include just the accounts from 4000 to 4999 and 6000 to 6999. If you
would select the sequential range of 4000 through 6999, all account would be
**More Information
Choose the New Group button to define a new account group name and assign a
folder where account group information is stored. You can choose the Copy
button to open the Group Copy subform. Use this subform to create a new level,
Account, or subaccount group by copying an existing one.
Choose the Level Group button to define sequential and nonsequential level
ranges into one level group.
Choose the Subaccount Group button to define sequential and nonsequential
subaccount ranges into one subaccount group.
Updated Files
RWGRPDET - This file is updated with account group information maintained
by this program.
RWHEADER - Used to store the group's last row detail line number.
Referenced Files
GLCODES - Used to validate folders.
RWUSER - Used to validate authorized users.
RW40.4 - Subaccount Group
**Form Purpose
Use Subaccount Group (RW40.4) to combine sequential or nonsequential
subaccount ranges into one group for reporting and inquiries.
For example, if you must define a report on the consolidated totals of
subaccounts 40 through 49 and 60 through 69, you can define a subaccount group
to include just the subaccounts from 40 through 49 and 60 through 69. If you
would select the sequential range of 40 through 69, all subaccounts would be
**More Information
Choose the New Group button to define a new subaccount group name and assign
a folder where subaccount group information is stored. You can choose the Copy
button to open the Group Copy subform. Use this subform to create a new level,
account, or subaccount group by copying an existing one.
Choose the Level Group button to define sequential and nonsequential level
ranges into one level group.
Choose the Account Group button to define sequential and nonsequential
account ranges into one account group.
Updated Files
RWGRPDET - Used to store subaccount groups maintained by this program.
RWHEADER - Used to store the group's last detail line number.
Referenced Files
GLCODES - Used to validate folders.
RWUSER - Used to validate authorized users.
RW40.5 - Group Copy
**Form Purpose
Use Group Copy (RW40.5) to create a new level, account, or subaccount group
by copying an existing one and making changes.
Updated Files
RWGRPDET - Used to store the copied level, account, or subaccount group.
RWHEADER - This file is updated with a group's last detail line number.
Referenced Files
GLCODES - Used to validate the folder name.
RWUSER - Used to validate authorized users.
RW40.6 - Define Level Group
**Form Purpose
Use Define Level Group (RW40.6) to define a new level group name, a
description of the group, and assign a folder.
**More Information
Choose the Copy button to open the Group Copy subform. Use the subform to
create a new level group by copying an existing one.
Updated Files
RWGRPDET - Maintained by this program on delete.
RWHEADER - Used to store the level, account, and subaccount definition.
Referenced Files
GLCODES - Used to validate the folder name.
RWUSER - Used to validate authorized users.
RW40.7 - Define Account Group
**Form Purpose
Use Define Account Group (RW40.7) to define a new account group name,
description, and assign a folder.
**More Information
Choose the Copy button to open the Group Copy subform. Use this subform to
create a new account group by copying an existing one.
Updated Files
RWGRPDET - Used to store the account group detail information maintained
by this program.
RWHEADER - This file is updated with a group's last line number.
Referenced Files
GLCODES - Used to validate the folder name.
RWUSER - Used to validate authorized users.
RW40.8 - Define Subaccount Group
**Form Purpose
Use Define Subaccount Group (RW40.8) to define a new subaccount group name,
description, and assign a folder.
**More Information
Choose the Copy button to open the Group Copy subform. Use this subform to
create a new subaccount group by copying an existing one.
Updated Files
RWGRPDET - This file is updated with the subaccount group detail
information which is maintained by this program.
RWHEADER - This file is updated with the last line number of the
subaccount group.
Referenced Files
GLCODES - Used to validate folder names.
RWUSER - Used to validate authorized users.