TA170 - Time Accrual Update
**Form Purpose
Run Time Accrual Update (TA170) to create and update transactions for
employees enrolled in time accrual plans.
**Processing Effect
TA170 uses plan parameters to calculate accrual and eligible hours, and
transferred hours; TA170 uses time records to calculate hours used. You can
update either manual transactions and current payment records, or manual
transactions through a specific date.
If an employee's accrued and eligible balances exceed their limits, TA170
reduces the balances to keep them within the defined limits. If the plans
eligible hours equal accrual hours, the system checks eligible hours using the
accrual limit.
TA170 does not accrue hours for employees who have not met the length of
service requirement.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - The Check Point file is the universe file used for recovery.
EMTAMASTR - The Employee Time Accrual Account Master file is used to
update accrual and eligible hours for each employee's plan.
EMTATRANS - The Emp Time Accrual Transactions file shows transactions for
the time accrual cycle including accrual, usage, and adjustment
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to validate
Referenced Files
ACCRSCHED - The Accrual Schedule file is used to set up accrual schedules.
ACTRLIMIT - The Accrual Transaction Limit file is used with the plan
Account Master file to establish accrual and eligible hours
DEPTCODE - The Department file is used to sort the report.
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is used to validate employees.
EMSTATUS - The Employee/Applicant Status file is used to ensure employees
do not have "NB" (No Pay, Benefits) or "NN" (No Pay, No
Benefits) payment statuses.
PAYSUMGRP - The Pay Summary Groups file is used to validate pay summary
PLANMASTER - The Time Accrual Plan file contains information about time
accrual plans.
PRPROCGRP - The Payroll Process Group file is used to group process levels
for processing.
PRTIME - The Employee Pay/Hours History file is used to access employee
payroll history for the calculation of time accrual
PSGRELATE - The Pay Class/Pay Sum Grp Relation file is used to determine
which pay is counted for employee time accrual plans.
TAFORMULA - The Time Accrual Formula file contains the formulas to
calculate accrued hours.
TIMERECORD - The Employee Time Records file validates time record