Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


TR04.1 - Session

**Form Purpose
Use Session (TR04.1) to define the individual sessions that make up a course.

A session is the actual time and location the course is presented. You can
create multiple sessions for each course.

Updated Files

    PAINSTSES  - The Session Instructors file is updated when sessions are

    PAREGISTER - The Registration file is updated when sessions are canceled.

    PASCOST    - The Costs file is updated when sessions are canceled.

    PASESSION  - The Sessions file stores session information. The Sessions
                 file is the primary file maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    PACOURSE   - The Courses file is accessed to validate courses and retrieve
                 course information.

    PAMODOPT   - If the user changes the maximum number of participants, the
                 Training Options file is accessed to determine whether a wait
                 list is allowed and to determine the method of filling the wait


    PCODES     - The Human Resources Codes file is used to verify the type and

TR04.2 - Session Evaluations

**Form Purpose
Use Session Evaluations (TR04.2) to type evaluation information about the
session and session materials after the session is complete.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    PASESSION  - The Sessions file is accessed to retrieve session information.

TR04.3 - Session Evaluations

**Form Purpose
Use Session Evaluations (TR04.3) to type evaluation information for the
session and session materials after the course is completed.

Updated Files

    PASESSION  - The Sessions file is accessed to retrieve session information.

Referenced Files


INVOKED Programs
