Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


TR14.1 - Instructor Courses

**Form Purpose
Use Instructor Courses (TR14.1) to assign courses to an instructor.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - The Checkpoint file is the environment file used for recovery.

    PAINSCOURS - The Course Instructors file is used to store the names of
                 instructors who can teach a course. The file is the primary
                 file maintained by the program.

Referenced Files

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file is accessed to verify employee and to
                 retrieve employee information.

    PACOURSE   - The Courses file is accessed to verify courses and to retrieve
                 course information.

    PAINSTRUCT - The Instructors file is accessed to verify instructors and to
                 retrieve instructor information.

    PAINSTSES  - The Session Instructor file is accessed to ensure an
                 instructor cannot be deleted from a course while still assigned
                 to a session.